Air port

Hurry to the gate to the gate don’t want to be late not me honey, plenty of time think I’ll stop for a beer right here what a nice place they’ve got overpriced, understaffed, with the most improbable crowd like in those nature flicks […]

Did you have a good sleep?

Did you dream? What did you dream?Do you remember your dreams?Nobody remembers theirsanymore. You wish you could hit‘resume’like that’s possible! Although youcan never end up back therepick up where you leftand make this entire awkward awful universe where you just stumbled in the darkfor a glass of […]

Blue balloon day

A glorious summer day theytook meto the park to play andit was oh so lively full ofpeople kids and dogsand big smiles all around Daddy definitely wasn’t richYet Mom she was good lookingI was a big-eyed kid of 5skinny with bones showinghyperactive as a […]

Alone she writes

Alone she writes at the table overlooking the seawords that I’ll never read so no value judgment hereold school, I see,hand on paperno electronic device which isa rare sight for someone her generation.Glimpsed at her notebook in passingher handwriting is too regulartoo neat and […]

There is nothing to do

There is nothing to do there is nothing to dobut sitting quietly in the almost darklistening to the rain againand again and againand thinking of the vast blue seaand breathing, breathing in and breathing outlike you’re the shore and you’re the wavesand that funny […]