Hurry to the gate to the gate don’t want to be late not me honey, plenty of time think I’ll stop for a beer right here what a nice place they’ve got overpriced, understaffed, with the most improbable crowd like in those nature flicks where lions tolerate the antelopes. Better be good and smooth and cold. Who knows? Could be my last one this being an airplane trip and all. At least I won’t go thirsty darling how was your shopping? Fine. Hope you got a good deal on that, the best this side of river Styx perhaps. You said would you carry my coat? No. Got my own thick skin to carry. You’re off to a shameful spot to smoke and me who found it already sit in this place to drink and order another dark one watching the rising sun playing with the amber of beer bottles and shattered minutes that a waiter sweeps away every quarter hour while this guy across munches on fake tuna plastic salad between two real good slices of imitation of actual bread, eyes lost in a reverie about his kidney stones and his kids’ new school completely oblivious to the rising sun and the setting of an uneffable feeling that I alone am trying to eff. To no good effect. What can I say it ain’t much of a bar but hey any port in a storm.