There is nothing to do there is nothing to do but sitting quietly in the almost dark listening to the rain again and again and again and thinking of the vast blue sea and breathing, breathing in and breathing out like you’re the shore and you’re the waves and that funny little ship dancing in the breeze until you’re dizzy and sea sick and a little homesick too cause that’s what rain does to you.
You realize all your tomorrows stepped off somewhere way back without as much as a nod a pat on the back or a tip of the hat. Well, that’s that. Less to care about. Because if you recall there is nothing to do nothing to do neither today nor tomorrow and supplies of yesterdays are dwindling too. At this point it all becomes clear; feel this point settle in this point and be this point for this is the point of your life.
Did you know ‘point’ is French for Hard Stop? (Fucking French I could have died without knowing this.)
Passing mermaids are wailing out there while I munch on finely cut red apple pieces and bad philosophy and breathe in and out or at the very least there’s breathing.
True there is nothing to do but be. In its own way the rain knows about me high above these clouds of hers and mine there is only empty fullness
shine shine shine
(looking like a madman feeling like a boar)
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